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Fantasia Means (aka) Tasia D.

About the Author

Tasia D.

Portrayed Melanin

Poetry with a Touch of Class....

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“Keep it Classy” - Tasia D.


“Keeping it classy” is a wave we can all get on! 

We should not TAKE AWAY from our value! Yet let’s ADD class.


Fantasia Means, writing as 'Tasia D' can be sometimes known as the “Jesus freak” unorthodox, unconventional, and different! Everything but normal -and what people do not understand they will judge. This walking Contradiction paints the streets of Waltham, MA! “Not everyone loves a bright light... Still, that does not stop me from shining!” Says Poet, Musician, Artist, Human service Administrator, Tasia D. 


In 2007, Tasia D. was offered an opportunity to stand in front of the congregation and share Christian poetry.  This led to an unexpected but determined and joyous journey of performing poetry. Tasia D. never lost sight of her poetry or forgot it- however did lose the ability to perform her poetry on this specific stage.  It was not until April 2019 that Hillreye Banks and Philoso, curators of the Waltham Open Mic at Rhino Longue, gave her a space and stage to not only be able to practice her performance and craft in front of an audience again like she once did, but to also be given the opportunity to host the open mic!


Since then, Tasia D. has also performed live on 91.1 Kompa Radio station out of Brockton MA. From there she has stepped her foot into “Peace B’Que” virtual performance with Lawrence from LDB PEACE INSTITUTE, Community project.   Tasia D. also made her debut performance at Maryann Murray’s Central Sounds Open Mic and Showcase at ZUZU as well as an open mic hosted by Maryann Murray at the Middle East Corner in Cambridge. 


Since more of the virtual world has taken over the performance arts, Tasia has been honing in on her writing of music, short stories, poetry and more creative writing! Dreams all else will align. Open to collaborate, share ideas, up lift, lead, and even follow!


 “NO matter what it is we do in this lifetime, have some class”


 “Abundance is a mindset, Luxury is a Lifestyle” –Tasia D


Available now for sale, purchase your copy of: Portrayed Melanin.

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Portrayed Melanin

Portrayed Melanin is all about perspective. Looking at life through the eyes of an African American woman or man. We as a whole know what it feels like to be judged in some manner. So what if instead of judging, we give understanding, maybe even insight?


To help shift the perspectives of individuals using creative arts. In this case, poetry.


From classy, to spiritual. Personal experience, to fairytales. I would like to paint a picture and welcome you into Tasia’s world. Where things get wild, and the details will linger in your imagination.


Passion, grace, luxury. Come and take a mind trip with me.


Experience the inner beauty of poetry with class and style. Open within the eyes of portrayed melanin. 

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Tasia D. - "Keep it Classy"
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